Law & Politics
10/20/2022, LDN
We are continuing with increased cleaning measures at our site to ensure a safe environment for employees and visitors and have improved indoor ventilation.
If you have symptoms of a respiratory infection such as B. Covid-19 and have a high fever or do not feel well enough to attend your seminar or engage in normal activities, you should try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people until you do not have a high fever have any more (if you had any) or until you no longer feel unwell.
We strongly recommend that all students get vaccinated against Covid-19 before starting their training.
10/18/2022, LDN
For 2023 it is planned to offer our courses, in a modified form, on the "Kursnet" platform, an educational platform of the employment agency.
The publication of our training offer on the website of the Employment Agency enables potential students to start the further training of their wishes even faster and more easily.
It is not yet known when the publication will take place.
10/01/2022, LDN
We have adjusted our programs and processes to ensure that you can continue your education in any case. Ready or not, the future is coming. Don't put yours on hold.
The RLS teaches in German through its own unique method of online instruction, called "supported open learning", which works as follows:
Flexible - students learn where and when they want to balance work, family and other commitments
All-inclusive - students receive all the high-quality materials they need to study
Supportive - personal tutors provide expertise, advice and feedback and lead group tutorials; specialist advisors are also available to assist with other aspects of RLS training
Social - Students come together through tutorials, online conferences, study networks and course forums
Unsere Ziele

Größere Reichweite
Ein konkurrenzloses Angebot an Auswahl, Qualität und Flexibilität für mehr Menschen aus allen Teilen der Gesellschaft über eine Reihe von Kanälen und Lernmöglichkeiten, wobei das Kernangebot der RLS an Qualifikationen und Lernen im Mittelpunkt steht.

Erfolg für unsere Schülerinnen und Schüler
Unterstützung der Schüler bei der Verwirklichung ihrer Ziele, unabhängig davon, wer und wo sie sind, mit Ergebnissen, die gerecht sind und neue Chancen im Leben und im Beruf eröffnen.

Gesellschaftliche Auswirkungen
Auf lokaler und globaler Ebene durch Forschung, Unternehmertum und Kompetenzentwicklung, die die Zukunft gestalten.

Größere Vielfalt auf allen Ebenen und Einbeziehung in jeden Aspekt unserer Arbeit und unserer Leistungen.